Welcome to the online home of the IWK Health Centre Pediatric Vision Science Research Group (PVSRG). We are a collaboration of clinician and basic science researchers dedicated to investigating topics in clinical vision science of relevance to the pediatric population.

The PVSRG collectively has expertise in genetic disorders affecting vision, cutting edge diagnostic techniques to detect deficiencies in vision function, the treatment of common pediatric vision problems like amblyopia (lazy eye) and exploring the ways vision is interpreted by the brain to guide movement. Our researchers, and projects, span the range from basic science to clinical research so that we can take the information we learn about the fundamentals of vision function and apply it to providing better care to children at the IWK and around the world.

Our group is based in the Eye Clinic of the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Our researchers are also affiliated with Dalhousie University.

Trainees working with the group include M.Sc. candidates from the joint IWK Health Centre / Dalhousie University Clinical Vision Science program and Residents and Fellows from Dalhousie’s Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences.

The PVSRG believes in the benefits of collaborative and interdisciplinary research and has formed collaborative links, both locally and internationally, with eye care professionals as well as experts in fields such as Kinesiology, Psychology, Psychiatry and Education.

This site is currently under development and information is being added regularly. Inquiries can be directed to info@pvsrg.org or by calling 1-902-470-2741. Technical problems can be reported to webmaster@pvsrg.org.

Thank you for your interest in the PVSRG.
